Want to add professional advertisements to your palm pre applicatio?
It's as simple as 1,2,3
1 . go to http://code.google.com/p/admob-webos/
download admob.js and place it in your application
2. HTML File:
<div id="admob_ad"></div>
pub_id: '*********', // your publisher id get it from admob.com
bg_color: '#ccc', // optional background color, defaults to #fff
text_color: '#333'
and for each time you want to display ad:
onSuccess: (function (ad)
Mojo.Log.info("**************** AdMob OK ");
// successful ad call, parameter 'ad' is the html markup for the ad
this.controller.get('admob_ad').insert(ad); // place mark up in the the previously declared div
onFailure: (function ()
{ // no ad was returned or call was unsuccessful
Mojo.Log.info("**************** AdMob ERROr ");
onSuccess: (function (ad)
Mojo.Log.info("**************** AdMob OK ");
// successful ad call, parameter 'ad' is the html markup for the ad
this.controller.get('admob_ad').insert(ad); // place mark up in the the previously declared div
onFailure: (function ()
{ // no ad was returned or call was unsuccessful
Mojo.Log.info("**************** AdMob ERROr ");
That is all , Now start earning Money!!