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The FloatPicker

Posted by codesos Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ever thought about why the mojo SDK doesn't contain a  floatPicker?
So did I.
With a little code changes and some thought  i present to you:



<div id="FloatPickerID" x-mojo-element="FloatPicker"></div>

JS :

****.prototype.setup = function() {
    attributes = {
            label:    'Float', // the label next to the control
            min: 0, // minimum value
            max: 10, // maximum value
            modelProperty:    'value',
                Interval:0.1 //the "jumps" of the value , use integers to display as integerPicker
        this.model = {
            value : 0.1, // current value
                      disabled : false // use this to set enable/disable of the control
        this.controller.setupWidget('FloatPickerID', attributes, this.model);

This FloatPicker is a subclass of IntegerPicker so it uses the same attributes and model , with the addition of  Interval attribute which determain the value "jumps" of the control.

to change the control's enable disable state use:

this.pickerModelNewPoints.disabled = true; // or false




  1. preacher Says:
  2. wow, just what i was looking for!


  3. codesos Says:
  4. Happy to help

  5. fretlesst Says:
  6. I beat my head against my desk for hours trying to figure out how to do this!


  7. fretlesst Says:
  8. Ok, what would it take to create a picker widget that had two capsules, one for the integer and another for the fraction - perhaps separated by a decimal point?

  9. codesos Says:
  10. can't you use 2 widgets of this one?

  11. xxu xiao Says:
  12. I was trying to have more than 1 picker,( total of 6) each with different model and attributes, but it did not work. Only last will have correct values, rest of other picker will be blank.

  13. codesos Says:
  14. i will check

  15. xxu xiao Says:
  16. Thanks codesos.
    I got above issue resolved by declaring the Items Array as this.Items, but now If I change the model by calling,
    I ran into the same issue. the popup model has the Items array populated but somehow it won't render the values in Capsule. The capsule is blank.
    If I don't call the above API, everything works fine but I need to change the value that gets displayed after making the selection,
    Can you suggest the proper way to do it. Right now I am calling the setWidgetModel on propertyChange.

  17. codesos Says:
  18. can you send me the code that generated that problem?

  19. xxu xiao Says:
  20. The code to instantiate the FloatPicker is below. The number is dynamic it could be 2 or more.

    var maxVal = this.multiplierArray[this.multiplierArray.length-y]*11;
    var intervalDigit = this.multiplierArray[this.multiplierArray.length-y];
    var modelDigit = this.multiplierArray[this.multiplierArray.length-y];
    oCell.innerHTML = '<div id="multi_digit_field_'+y+'_'+x+'" name="multi_digit_field_'+y+'_'+x+'" x-mojo-element="FloatPicker" ></div>'; this.controller.setupWidget('multi_digit_field_'+y+'_'+x, {label: " ", min:intervalDigit, max:maxVal,Interval:intervalDigit,modelProperty:'value'}, {value : modelDigit});

    The code which is causing the problem is below

    MultisheetAssistant.prototype.linePropertyChanged = function(event)
    var idx = event.target.id;
    var idl = event.target.id.length;

    var idnum = idx.substring(idl-3,idl);
    Mojo.Log.info('event.value is >>>> '+event.value);
    var aValue = ''+event.value;
    var aCarryOver = 0;
    aValue = aValue.substring(1,2);
    aCarryOver = aValue.substring(0,1);
    var aWidget = this.controller.get(idx);
    this.controller.setWidgetModel(aWidget, {value : aValue});

  21. xxu xiao Says:
  22. Fixed the above issue, changed the FloatPicker code little bit

    changed the popup model to have the itemRange also.

    popupModel = {
    onChoose: this._choose,
    value: this.assistant.getModelProperty(),

  23. codesos Says:
  24. nice job!1

  25. codesos Says:
  26. How ever , adding this line

    does create a bug in which the current item in the popup list , is not the current value


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