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How to Make SwipeToDelete Dynamic

Posted by codesos Saturday, April 3, 2010 0 comments

You have to declare in th attributes of the list swipeToDelete: true  to allow the list to delete items , but add this preventDeleteProperty:'noDelete'  also if you want the list to be able to determine which items can be deleted or not.

so for example:
var attributes =
    itemTemplate: 'food-filter-list/entry',
    swipeToDelete: true,
    reorderable: false,
    filterFunction: this.FilterList.bind(this),
    delay: 500, //1 second delay before filter string is used
    disabledProperty: 'disabled'

this.model = {disabled: false};

this.controller.setupWidget('filterlistID', attributes, this.model); 
this.filterlist = this.controller.get('filterlistID');

the default implementation allows delete of all the items.

Now if you want to allow an item not to be deleted :

entry = {Food_Item: $L(row.Portion + ConnectionWord + row.Food_Item), Points: row.Points,ItemObj:row,'noDelete':true};

this.FoodList[i] = entry;
this way you can dynamically determine which item can be deleted or not

cool , no?